Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Starting all over again

Well, let's have a look at the first day of this new character.

I've ploughed through fairly well - reached level 10 without playing too intensively due to pretty much knowing where to go, what to do, what loot to get, etc. This advantage will come to an end about the time I hit level 15, as that's as far as I got in the open beta. It's nice to catchup though.

At first I was finding it strange not to have abilities which I'd come to rely upon with my open beta character, but I think now that I have Rend Soul I'm feeling pretty much at home again. I haven't had any spectacular loot drop so far (not that I can use anyway), but what has dropped combined with the renown gear is very adequate for the moment. A few blue items wouldn't hurt though.

I do have two gripes about the experience so far which I would like to share.

The first is the lack of a Dark Elf tank class. I don't question Mythic's decision to not implement the DE tank class, but it does make things very difficult in the public quests (and to a much smaller extent, low level RvR). For example, it's almost impossible to heal through the first public quest you run into as a Dark Elf - the one with the dragon at the end. It's so low level that no Black Orc or Chosen will ever come near that area, but the dragon does so much damage that the only way to complete the quest is a graveyard zerg - and that's when you're lucky enough to have 15 or more people. With less than that it is almost uncompleteable. I know this issue becomes less significant as Destro tanks begin to fly into the area, but even then that's not a perfect solution - they are still pretty rare.

The second issue is probably just to do with it being head start on an open RvR server, but the cupboard seems to be fairly bare Order wise. I've seen a decent if unspectacular number of Destruction players, but I have only seen 2 Alliance players so far (for the record, I killed one, the other one scarpered). I've found that queues for RvR scenarios can stretch out for more than an hour. Obviously this situation will change to some degree with the official launch of the game tomorrow, but it is fairly irritating for the moment.

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