Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dedicated healing

I'm now level 33, and I'm beginning to find some aspects of the game a bit of a grind. Unfortunately I'm finding that the content at about my level is running out more rapidly then I am levelling, so I am having a bit of difficulty levelling in PvE at this point.

I decided to try levelling just based on RvR and scenarios, and given this change I thought it was time to try out a more dedicated healing role. I've spent the last couple of weeks slowly accruing an alternate set of gear better suited to healing - concentrating on willpower and toughness/wounds rather then the usual strength and weaponskill gear. Thanks to this I'm now almost hitting 600 willpower (with the talent that gives about 120 willpower).

The impact was obvious. My usual amount of healing in a scenario went from about 30 to 40 thousand to between 80 to 120 thousand regularly. This is in part due to two things - my regular heals are definitely boosted significantly, but there are also a few AoE healing abilities which are only available in the Dark Rites tree. Combined with the latest version of the Squared mod, which makes it much easier to Cleanse debuffs off allies and I'm finding myself a pretty good healer. When scenarios pop reasonably often I am making very good xp, but if they slow down then I am in trouble.

There are three issues with Disciple healing as i see it:

  1. Reliance on Soul Essence - As a pure healer, almost everything you do relies upon Soul Essence, and the only significant use for action points is to channel in order to get more Soul Essence (which you will do often). There is no stat that boosts Soul Essence collection as there is with Action Points regeneration, and there are no tactics which either make it easier to accrue Soul Essence or which make your abilities more efficient in their use of it.
  2. Tactics - The tactics available to a healing Disciple are a fairly mixed bunch. There is one which makes it easier to accrue action points, which is of extremely questionable use, and even most of the decent tactics are aimed more at a melee/healing combination rather then a pure healer. Mythic may have intended the class to be involved in combat while healing, but the game doesn't really make that practical, and as a result the tactics available for healers are fairly limited in their applications.
  3. Renown - The recent changes to healing renown went too far. While it was definitely fair to pare back the ridiculous amount that many healers were getting, the current situation leaves healers near the back of the pack in terms of renowned earned even when they do a good job. In addition it creates perverse incentives, as it encourages healers to only heal high dps classes rather then tanks or other healers. Obviously most healers aren't silly enough to let everyone but the DPS die, but Mythic should fix the system in order to reward good practice.

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