Thursday, September 18, 2008


In WoW I was eternally finding using new mods to use. My UI didn't look at all like the default UI, and I would spend hours adjusting it and trying to find new features to include.

I think this points to one of the problems with WoW - the freedom to mod the game has evolved past the point of utility and is pretty much now at necessity. There are certain situations (arena, raids) where if you use no mods then you are putting yourself way behind the 8-ball.

I've been interested to see what would happen with WAR in this regard, as I'm coming at this issue from both sides - I love mods, and redesigning my UI, but I can also see how excessive moddability can cause problems in your playerbase.

It was fairly astonishing that even in beta there were a number of mods already coming out. I've only used a few so far, and i thought I would list them with some comments:

  • Clean Unit Frames - As a healer I spend more time staring at the unit frames then most people, but as a Disciple I need them to convey information quickly and be easy to select the right frame so that i can go back to ripping people asunder. This project tarts up the party unit frames nicely. Nothing dramatic, just some presentation options which make it easier to read and select. And mouseover healing as well, which is nice if you're into that sort of thing. Unfortunately it is currently limited to the party frames, but hopefully this will be expanded to scenario and warband frames in the future.
  • Plan B - If I were to play a Black Orc or a Swordmaster again this would be vital. It switches your abilities bar based on which stance you are currently in. Simple, but vital.
  • Metahud Unit Frames - A nice HUD which gives you useful information right beside your character rather than in a corner.
  • Action Bar Color - When your target is out of range of an ability, the entire ability button turns red instead of just the number associated with the ability.
I would be interested to hear if people have found any other mods that they've found particularly useful - especially to do with the unitframes and healing, which is my current gripe. Tomorrow's the big day - actually pick up the game itself. Hopefully this will mean an influx onto the Oceanic servers, and some decent scenario wait times.

1 comment:

Kat said...

The Clock mod has been my must-have so far. Silly, I know, but really needed since I lose serious track of time. (Mostly trying to fill up on influence - whee!)
I'm a lot more entertained by my DoK than I thought I would be.
(Britva - Sea of Malice)